"This was as great a meeting as we have had at Esalen."
Michael Murphy
Founder of Esalen Institute

Over the last 35 years Stephen has immersed himself in the study, research and applications of psychology. In the past 20 years he has applied this learning into organizational systems and is excited by the powerful results. He has worked with a range of organizations at the senior executive level including the United Nations, Esalen Institute, National University of Natural Medicine, University of British Columbia, Afognak Native Corporation, KPFK Radio Station, Citi Bank, Investec Bank, Simple Bank, Old Mutual, Providence Health Care, Fraser Health, Woolworths and more. He is interested in the change process in social and organizational systems and how members of these groups can relate, cooperate and collaborate more effectively together.
He is also passionately interested in community development and has worked with community challenges in many countries around the world. These include working with the change from communism to democracy in Russia and its relations to Eastern block countries; race relations in South Africa and the change from apartheid to democracy; the conditions and situation of indigenous people in Mexico; the crises at Fukushima, and the challenges and racial relations of White and Aboriginal people in Australia.
He has presented as a key note speaker at national and international conferences. He is involved in the training of students in Process Work and is the former President and currently a faculty member of the Process Work Institute, a foremost center of training and development of Process Work in the world.
He has also developed programs and trainings in organizational development worldwide.